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Friday 15 April 2011

A Letter to God

Dear God,

Ok, I am not even sure you're there as I have never seen or heard you. Many people around me say I should believe that you exist, that I must believe the stories about you and your prophets in holy books, but I just can't, it's not that simple.I will tell you why I can't believe you exist, and if you can reply, please do, I will be waiting.

First, holy books tell stories of you taking immediate action to clean the world and eliminate menace. For example, the people of Saleh, as it was told in Quran, were wiped off the face of the earth simply because they killed his camel, showing disbelief in him or his God. If you're a animal rights activist, I am too, but wiping out a whole nation because of a camel is a bit extreme, don't you think? And if the problem was that they expressed disbelief, why didn't you just convince them? I mean I am sure if you came out and talked to them the way you talked to Moses, they would certainly believe you're there. It doesn't make sense, plus it's not fair. The people of Loot also were wiped out because they were homosexuals. Ok, now that's a problem. Wasn't it you who created those people and made them homosexuals? If not then who did? and if yes, why kill them for it? When I hear such stories, I can't but wonder; are those crimes more horrible than the crimes we see committed every day now? Why are you silent now? What is holding you back?

I really want to believe, but you're not helping, at all! Every time I turn the TV on I see news of sick, killed and tortured people everywhere. Tyrants and bad people are controlling the world and causing so much pain and suffering to many, many people around the world. Yet, you're silent. No sign of you anywhere. You, allegedly, exposed yourself and talked to Moses simply to convince him that you are there, but you want billions of people to believe in you now without any evidence that you are there, or that you are still there. Maybe you did exist earlier at the times of Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and others, then you died, or just lost interest in the world and let it go on without intervention.

If you're dead, I understand, then we're on our own and we have to struggle. But if you're still there, only lost interest, I guess that's very irresponsible of you. I mean what kind of a God would create all these people then just feels bored and let them face life alone, a life that, supposedly, you created as well. And if that's the case, if you're there but just bored and careless, why should we worship you?

Many things I keep thinking of and hoping to find answers to, but I will end this letter here now and hope to hear from you before I get the urge for sending you another letter. If you're there, in the sky, in another galaxy, planet, on the net, on Twitter or Facebook or anywhere else, speak to me, tell me you're there and, most importantly, tell me why you're silent. I am waiting.

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